Saturday, May 24, 2008


I’ve been thinking about this lately. There is indeed a fine line between being honest and a**hole. Most of us live in the middle of somewhere, trying to find that unhealthy balance between what is true from bulls**t. Sometimes, concealing your convictions is a survival technique, which, ironically, slowly weakens and kills you inside. What would be more satisfying, a day of lame pranks or a day full of unfiltered truth? The truth hurts sometimes, but the potential for positive gains is enormous. It is always better to be honest. I would much rather have someone just tell me to my face that they hate me than to have them tell me that they like me and then go tell everyone else that they hate me, whether I found out about it or not. Seriously, even if it's hard to be honest, your friends will probably appreciate it. If they get mad at you, they will probably come around and stop being mad because at least you were honest with them. There is never an excuse for being dishonest with anyone for any reason. A REAL friend will tell them the truth no matter what. It doesn’t matter if its good or bad, you just have to be honest. Telling the truth to a friend even if it hurts should not be misinterpreted. What a friend would want is always for another's welfare. Don't be blinded or overwhelmed with a lover's blatant lies and trust on his version of truth. Normally, it is difficult to spot lies from what is true on that this situation...

Well, just take that anvils off your chest and live a wonderful life! … its not too late you know..!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in other words, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY...